Natal Chart Reading
Most people are aware of their sun sign and follow their horoscopes, sometimes loosely and sometimes closely. As much as your sun sign affects who you are as a person, so do many other planets, asteroids, and planetary aspects. Having this in-depth information about oneself is beneficial in daily life in many ways. Not only does it hold a mirror up to your personality and presentation, but it also reveals how you react to situations both externally and internally. As the best defense is a great offense, this information will constantly come in handy in your life.
A basic one-time reading consists of me sending you an IN-DEPTH reading covering your major planetary signs, aspects, house-relations and more. It includes one follow-up email.
A deluxe reading consists of the same as the basic reading, but with three follow-up session, via Skype or email. We will cover many of the major areas even more fully, as well as have a question and answer session.
Both readings come with a FREE zodiac tarot reading on your birthday. Please allow up to seven days for reading. It usually doesn't take longer than 24 hours, but I can get backed up with in depth orders and people with very intricate charts.
Required for reading is:
First and Last Name
Birthday (Day, Month, Year)
Exact time of Birth